Strategic Imperative 1.1. Create an evolving cultural asset that encompases all possible requisites.
Goal: Identify programs and resources needed to attract and retain diverse users and scholars who are committed and passionate about contributing to our shared, collective mission, and devoted to intentionally advancing a functional, democratic society.
Strategic Imperative 1.2. Create a culture that inspires community
Goal: Create opportunities for constructive interactions among all members of the community, and particularly between entities to inspire a sense of community by promoting transparency, accountability, inclusion, shared-responsibility, collaboration and a shared identity.
Strategic Imperative 1.3. Create a culture that develops the individual
Goal: Provide opportunities for each individual to boldly engage in rich research and professional quality, results-driven work that deepens understanding of and compassion for themselves and each other.
Strategic Imperative 1.4. Create a culture that engages the world
Goal: Partner with local, national and international entities to understand, innovate and mutually engage in important global issues in order to deepen and broaden our connections andrelevance to local communities, states and the world.
Strategic Imperative 2: Teach to inspire intellectual dexterity, rigorous exploration, and encourage each other to deepen our connections with others.
The DEMRI affirms the values which through both deep and broad intellectual exposure and exploration, enlivens and maintains our minds and enriches our humanity. The MCD Mind cultivates our capacities for imagination, critical thinking, problem solving and skillful communication.
The is a resource in which our users of all pursuasions recognize that through active engagement we can both teach and learn from one another. Our areas of interest and expertise form a complex, interdependent, proactive MCD mosaic. The DEMRI hopes to generate and provide encouragement and support to as they employ traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches to FAQ Development and the goals of which are always to inspire intellectual power & dexterity, engage in rigorous exploration, and deepen our connections with others, so that we may meet the challenges of our changing world.
Strategic Imperative 2.1. To inspire intellectual power & dexterity that communicates the inner strengths of our collective
Goal: Provide transformative learning experiences for our users that develops their ability to undertake intellectual work in a careful, systematic, thoughtful, and inclusive manner.
Strategic Imperative 2.2. Provide a web-based Knowledge Environemt (KE) that fosters rigorous exploration
Goal: Increase the opportunities available to a broad and inclusive spectrum/disciplines of users for collaborative, rigorous, risk-taking, discipline-transcending and project-based study.
Strategic Imperative 2.3. Encourage each other to deepen and broaden our their connections with others
Goal: Cultivate compassion and community-building among all MCD aspirants .
Strategic Imperative 3: Prioritize the DEMRI endeavors by increasing investments in research and researchers, optimizing processes and recognizing and rewarding the intersection of research with erudition and service.
We aim to fundamentally stretch the boundaries of knowledge and develop groundbreaking ideas that help solve long-standing and emergent problems, create entirely new ways of thinking & logic-flow, or define novel areas for inquiry. At all levels, research and independent-scholarship intersect with instruction and service and should be recognized as such in all processes. Our research invigorates our learning, facilitates opportunities for training and mentoring, and feeds back into DEMRI and community interaction in the form of outreach and engagement. Our research and creative enterprises will benefit from increased reciprocal funding, new research initiatives, expanded and fair access to research, support and a reduced burden of any bureaucratic processes. A top priority is global awareness and retaining skilled and dedicated users that contribute from a range of backgrounds.
Strategic Imperative 3.1. Prioritize our knowledge environment research enterprise by promoting and increasing research opportunities
Goal: Create opportunities for all users, professional researchers, independent-scholars, and aspirants to excel in research and creative works.
Strategic Imperative 3.2. Prioritize our research consumption enterprise by investing in learning assets and users who conduct productive ongoing research activities
Goal: Share resources and retain excellent and diverse researchers, and recognize the distinctive role of us all in research the process.
Strategic Imperative 3.3. Prioritize our research enterprise imperatives by optimizing processes to encourage quality long-range, cause & effect outcomes
Goal: Increase efficiency in operations and processes to encourage excellence in and allow maximum time for research activities.
Strategic Imperative 3.4 Prioritize our research activities by recognizing intersections of research and independent scholarship with results-driven service
Goal: Develop formal mechanisms for recognizing and rewarding community engagement(s) where research and independent-scholarship intersect with results-driven service.