- Make sure you are registered to vote.
- If voting by Mail, hand-deliver your completed ballots to post office early for mailing.
- Cast your votes as early as possible within guidelines!
- Do Not use (unofficial) ballot drop-boxes! - Republican entities are guilty of strategically placing them. Only official County Approved ballot boxes and USPS Mail Boxes (for mail-in ballots) are recomended outside of official polling locations.
- Make sure your envelope has postage if required and is postmarked by ellection day.
- If voting in person, know where your voting sites are and their operating procedures.
- Develop a family strategy to handle any long lines you may encounter. If using a tag-team strategy, make sure you communicate with the other voters in line with you to prevent any misunderstandings. Avoiding voting line conflicts is easy when you communicate effectively !
- Protect yourself and others by staying socially distanced. Stay masked up (bring a spare mask) and be prepared to Stand your Ground!
- Bring your Mobile Devices and be prepared to take photographs and video and record any attempts of Voter Intimidation (important).
We can't prevent the Post Office from being manipulated by 45, through his failure to sustan it's processes. So what's our best response? Get the word out to all voters so they understand their local guidelines and when we need to get all ballots to the post office to ensure we meet those deadlines. It is recommended that all voters hand-deliver ballots to their post offices as early as possible to make sure ballots actually get where they're supposed to go. So, in summary, complete your ballots soon as you get them and hand-deliver them to your post office soon as you can within your local guidelines.
Simple process!